Links That Could Save Your Day

This is a growing colection of links that saved MY day at least once. It may save YOURS too.
A Random Linux Tip This is a classical site with a lot of random linux tips
tuxmagazine This article describes how to enable the use of international characters in KDE
testdisk I damaged my partition table and used this GREAT tool for a perfect recovery
Powered by ClamAV ClamAV is a great open source virus scanner, also available for Windows
How to shoot yourself in the foot Funny: describes several methods for shooting yourself in the foot using various programming techniques
AppNote: Migrating an Existing SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 System to RAID1 This is a good description how to create a RAID1 configuration from a running system; I used it on a SUSE 10.0 installation
Linux Gouge This is a growing collection of tutorials, HOWTOs, and tips for dealing with, using, and administering GNU/Linux systems.

More to come....